Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Reed 17 days old
We are being sent home with a bunch of equipment to help take care of reed. He's on a medication to reduce stomach acid, sleeps in an incline position on a wedge, we are renting a scale, and have a service that delivers the supplies we need for the NG.
I want to thank everyone that sent positive emails, brought over dinners, watched my kids, and family that stepped in and helped out. Rylan and I couldn't have survived without you.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Reed 13 days old
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Reed 10 days old
It's great to be able to see his little mouth and face. He yawns, sneezed, licks and smacks. I put a onsie on him for the first time, and he looks like a real baby boy. Watch out Rylan, I'm in love with another man:) I got to hold him and rock in a chair for an hour and a half yesterday. He fell asleep on me, so peaceful.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Reed 8 Days Old
Here is the update.
Reed had fevers yesterday. They are testing body fluids for bacteria; urine, blood, lung secretions, nasal cavity, and eyes. So far the only culture back was his nose, and it showed he does not have the flu or a cold. So that's good. The others will come back tomorrow. No results back yet on his echo-cardiogram. Reed is still on the ventilator, thick lung secretions having to be suctioned quite often. His skin looks creamy now, instead of that fake tan jaundice look new babies have. He had two IV lines removed today, and his arterial line, so both arms and legs are free! Yay! He is still getting his nutrition through a PICC line in his scalp.
I cannot thank everyone enough. We are so blessed to know the good people we know. Help with babysitting and dinners has made it so I can spend time with Reed. We get emails with positive messages and prayers everyday. My mom being here was such a help for me emotionally. I can't wait for the day we bring him home. I told Rylan that I'm going to carry him around all day, and not share:) Can you blame me?
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Reed Update Thursday
The respiratory therapist said that crying is really good after the tube comes out. It helps fill the lungs with air, open up the parts of the lung Reed may not have used yet. Crying must hurt his lungs, and the tube will give you a really sore throat. The nurse gave him a little morphine, and he calmed down.
Lilly and Anisten got to meet Reed for the first time. They understood more than I thought. Anisten kept saying baby, baby, and cried when we had to leave. They got to touch his toes, and his hair, and laughed when he kicked his leg. They are excited for baby Reed to not be sick anymore.
Moms worry about everything, and I'm no exception. I wondered how Reed is going to learn to eat, having never been given the opportunity to suck. The best part of the day for me was when I got to hold him (I sorta got to hold him, but I'll take it). Reed was dreaming, and in his sleep he started to suck! It was so cute to be able to see his face and mouth without all the equipment. Reed also got his urine catheter taken out, and did not require the photo-therapy lights and goggles today (we got to see his eyes). I changed his diaper for the first time and loved it! HaH! I'll have to remember that.
The Plan:
We think the epidural might come out tomorrow, as well as his arterial IV line. They may give him a little breast milk (like 1mL), and hope he keeps it down. He may be able to move to a medical floor the day after that if he is still doing well. We are so happy with his progress and know that he is being blessed because of family and friends, fasting and prayers.