Monday, May 16, 2011

Puppies and Cousins

We were so blessed to have my brother Ryan and his family come for a visit to AZ!  How spoiled am I?  It was so relaxing.  We walked the dogs and played at the park.  We ventured into the desert, and cooled down at the pool.  We saw the movie Rio, so musical and colorful.  The Lopers are dog breeders, and with new puppies around, the whole crew came with, 23 dogs in all (3 adult Great Danes and 9 pups, 4 adult Yorkies and 7 pups).
The dogs traveled in an oh so posh 38 foot trailer, with private rooms for the mamas and babies.
Let me know if you are on the market for a new family pet.

I had so many pics I spread it into the next three posts.

                                                                    Reed looks so small!
           While I was taking this pic of Anisten, either Eli or Hally yelled that there were snakes by the water...
                                    I didn't think anything of it but Marlece was instantly alarmed...
 With good reason, the little kids were standing within feet of two wild Western Diamond-back rattlesnakes!

                                                               Stargazing Tower

                                          Adorable Yorkie Puppy, We could not keep Lilly away.

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