Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Anisten's 2nd Birthday

Doesn't she look BIG? We got all dressed up
Got in the car, and headed to Woodland Park Zoo
Anisten got to touch a hedge-hog.

Slide the zoomazium slide

Play in a egg shell

As well as Lilly-chick

Penguins were our favorite

The ride home after a full Zoo day, blissful sleep, holding hands. Nice for mom.

I decided to get a Zoo membership for Anisten's Birthday gift. She has everything else in the world!


  1. did you notice them holding hands in that last picture.
    That is SO adorable.

  2. Wow! She does look big. Happy birthday Anisten!

  3. How fun! Great pictures!!! How much was the membership anyways? We'd love to join you sometime.

  4. Hi Layne!

    How are things going with you? I love your blog! The picture of Anisten asleep on the toilet is priceless. :-D Sure miss you.

  5. no way she's two. layner she's so big and i love her pigtails! how is baby #3 coming? still not finding out the sex?


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